Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments

MFA has conducted hundreds of Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments (ESAs) at a wide range of sites, from vacant properties and gas stations to large, complex industrial sites, timberlands and landfills. We conduct all Phase I ESAs consistent with the requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments, including the bona fide prospective purchaser and innocent purchaser defense. MFA’s environmental scientists can also provide the supplemental services needed to conduct risk assessment regarding both human and ecological receptors.

Want an Environmental Assessment Quote?

An environmental site assessment may be the only insurance policy you have against future liabilities, so you need to be confident that your due diligence is done correctly. MFA sets the bar for comprehensive environmental site assessments, on time, and on budget.

staff image

Caitlin Bryan

Principal Environmental Scientist

(541) 705-2826