Climate Change & Resiliency
Climate resiliency and environmental justice are central to the purpose behind our work. We help private clients navigate the regulatory and permitting landscapes in the Pacific Northwest in order to site, design, permit, and build clean energy facilities and mitigate the effects of climate change at existing sites. We help public entities understand and meet new climate requirements and engage their communities in equitable planning and co-creation processes. Whether you are a port or city responding to new climate requirements, or a company or utility with ESG and sustainability goals, our diverse technical expertise and decades of experience make us an invaluable partner in your success.
Services Provided
Climate Change and Resiliency
Climate Action Plans
Whether you are a jurisdiction complying with updated growth management act requirements, or private industry seeking to mitigate climate vulnerability, a climate action plan can help you achieve your climate goals. Our interdisciplinary consulting team can help you develop a climate action plan that identifies climate risks and opportunities, addresses greenhouse gas emissions, and charts a strategy for meeting sustainability goals and desired co-benefits.
Sea Level Rise, Floodplain Management, and Hazard Mapping
Understanding the potential impacts of sea level rise and extreme weather on your project is an ongoing challenge—one that MFA tackles every day. With decades of experience supporting ports, maritime industries, and coastal and flood-prone communities, our certified floodplain managers, scientists, and engineers can help you develop flood risk management plans, predictive sea level rise analyses and inundation maps, geologic and flood hazard mapping, and resilient watershed and river restoration designs adapted to a changing climate.
GHG Emissions Inventories
Measuring your greenhouse gas emissions is a vital step in developing a climate action plan and reducing your operation’s carbon footprint. We can assess Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 GHG emissions and design processes and protocol to help you track GHG over time.
Clean Energy Transitions Support
Utilities are responding to new regulatory requirements and rising community demand for clean, carbon-free electricity. We can help you engage your customers or ratepayers on opportunities for and barriers to the transition to renewable energy.
Ecosystem Restoration
Incorporating ecosystem restoration into a cleanup or redevelopment project can improve climate resiliency, help meet permit requirements, and make your project more attractive to tenants or residents. Whether your goal is aquatic and upland restoration, environmental mitigation, shoreline design, or fish passage, we have the expertise to help.
Renewable Energy Facility Permitting and Site Development
Looking to build a wind, solar, hydrogen, biogas, or other alternative fuel facility? Our decades of permitting and regulatory experience can help ensure the success of your renewable energy project. We can help you evaluate potential sites, design your facility, obtain permits, and get your operation up and running.
Vulnerability Assessments
Assessing the climate vulnerability of your infrastructure and assets is key to understanding risks and identifying opportunities for creating resiliency. We can help you analyze the impacts of climate change and extreme weather on your infrastructure, coasts and watersheds, and the health and well-being of your communities. From there, our team of scientists, engineers, and data analysts highlight your most vulnerable assets and work with you to develop prioritized adaptation strategies and innovative solutions to reduce risk and protect what you value most.
Transportation Electrification Planning
The surging demand for electric vehicles requires cities and utilities to plan for a rapidly changing transportation system. Our Communications and Planning services can help you engage your communities and ridership in equitable planning processes.
Climate Change & Resiliency Inquiries
Responding to climate change requires diligence and expertise. We have both. Whether you need permitting, planning, or communications, we can help you map a path to reach your climate goals. Reach out and we will be in touch soon.