Ridgefield, WA
Park Laundry Site Remediation
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The former Park Laundry property is located in the heart of downtown Ridgefield. The property was formerly occupied by Park Laundry, a dry cleaning and self-service laundry business that operated from approximately 1965 to 1977. During these operations, a liquid solvent chemical that was commonly used in dry cleaning called tetrachloroethene (PCE) was released into soil and migrated to a perched groundwater system. MFA worked with the former property owner, Union Ridge Investment Company, to complete a remedial investigation on the property and surrounding area to define the Site. The remedial investigation included soil, groundwater, and soil vapor, and prepared a feasibility study and cleanup action plan.
The property was quitclaimed to the City of Ridgefield (City) in late 2023. The City has entered into a Consent Decree with the Washington State Department of (Ecology) to implement the cleanup action plan. MFA assisted the City with obtaining $2.3 million in grant funds from Ecology and the Washington Department of Commerce and is currently working with the City to conduct remedial actions on the Site. Ecology’s selected remedy includes targeted soil excavation and focused groundwater remediation using injection points to treat PCE. Compliance groundwater monitoring will be conducted following remedy implementation to confirm the success of the remedy.
Following cleanup, this project will allow the property to return to beneficial use, contributing to the ongoing revitalization of the historic downtown Ridgefield.
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