Seattle Viaduct Closes, MFA Communications Team Keeps Truckin’ (or in this case, bicyclin’)

Author: Kathryn Murdock Published: January 11, 2019

Today’s the day, Seattle-area residents. This evening, the Alaskan Way Viaduct will permanently close, resulting in a temporary shutdown of SR 99 through downtown Seattle. The aging and seismically vulnerable viaduct will be replaced with the SR 99 underground tunnel, designed to withstand a strong earthquake.

MFA communications staff Charla Skaggs and Kate Elliott have been assisting the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) towards this milestone for years. They look forward to putting their work on communications, government relations, outreach, and performance monitoring through viaduct shutdown, tunnel opening, and eventual toll commencement into action with WSDOT and the broader consultant team!

As recently reported in the Seattle Times, the viaduct’s closure is expected to seriously disrupt Seattle-area transportation, so MFA is following WSDOT’s lead and encouraging our Seattle office staff to flex their schedules, bike to work, and work remotely during the three-week closure.

See you at the SR 99 tunnel opening on Feb. 2! What a milestone the tunnel opening is, and congrats to the many who have helped make this all happen!


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Kathryn Murdock

Senior Communications Specialist

(206) 556-2029