MFA Awarded Best Presentation at NCASI Conference

Author: Steven P. Taylor, PE Published: October 9, 2017

MFA is pleased to announce that Senior GIS Analyst, Erik Strandhagen, was awarded the honor of best presentation at the National Council for Air and Steam Improvement, Inc. (NCASI) West Coast Regional Meeting after serving as a speaker at the conference. NCASI is a national non-profit, focusing on environmental research for the forest products industry.

Mr. Strandhagen’s presentation focused on cost saving project examples for the forest products industry using unmanned aerial systems (UAS). He is a Federal Aviation Administration-certified remote pilot, a certified Geographic Information Systems Professional, and an American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Certified Map Scientist. Mr. Strandhagen used his deep breadth of knowledge and experience to share how the forest products industry can benefit from utilizing UAS capabilities, such as capturing high-definition site photos and videos of a site, aerial mapping, terrain modeling, volumetric analysis, vegetation mapping, and natural resources management. The presentation also included the demonstration of a custom desktop GIS tool developed by MFA that automates volumetric analysis of UAS data.

Mr. Strandhagen will accept his award at the next NCASI West Coast Regional Meeting in 2018.

To learn more about MFA’s UAS services, click here.

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Steven P. Taylor, PE

President/Principal Engineer

(503) 501-5201