MFA Scientists and Engineers Invited to Present Findings at International Remediation Conference

Author: Erik Bakkom, PE Published: May 11, 2012

Scientists and engineers from Maul Foster & Alongi, Inc. have been invited to present findings from their work on remediation sites at the Battelle Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds conference in Monterey, California (May 21-24, 2012). James Peale will present findings related to in situ remediation of TCE and TCE DNAPL. Mr. Peale will also  present results of an analysis of sustainable remediation tools, based on work supported by Erik Bakkom and David Knutson. Papers from these presentations will be included in the proceedings from the conference and will be posted when available.

In addition to these presentations, Mr. Peale will co-chair a session on advances in physical and chemical remediation. For more information about MFA’s participation in the conference or other environmental matters, please contact James Peale via email or at 503-501-5218.

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