Meet Carolyn Wise, LHG, RG, Project Hydrogeologist

Author: Phil Wiescher, PhD Published: August 6, 2021

Where are you from and where do you live now?

I was born and raised in Northfield, Minnesota—the town that defeated the Jesse James Gang! I moved to Bellingham, Washington, to attend Western Washington University and have lived here now for 11 years.

What do you do at MFA?

I work on a wide variety of projects in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Most of my projects involve site characterization and remediation of contaminated sites.

What’s rewarding about your job?

Every project we do seeks to ensure that the environment is safe and healthy for all to enjoy. I feel empowered knowing that the work I do directly impacts the community that I live in and many other communities.

Why is what you do important?

Some of the most rewarding projects I work on involve brownfields in our communities. By restoring underutilized and unsafe properties, we help provide numerous benefits to the community related to growth management, economic development, reducing human and ecological health risks, and improving the environment.

What’s your favorite restaurant in your area?

D’Anna’s Cafe Italiano in downtown Bellingham. They make everything fresh—from their pasta and ravioli to their tapenade and tiramisu.

What do you like to do off the clock?

Living in the Pacific Northwest provides incredible access to all things outdoors. My favorite hobbies are mountain biking and hiking on the trails behind my house with my partner and our two dogs. I am also slowly making the transition from snowboarding to skiing.

What’s the best advice you’ve received from a work colleague?

A constant mantra at MFA that resonates with me the most is “begin with the end in mind.” This phrase provides a holistic approach to tackling projects effectively and with the greatest benefit to the client and community.

If you were not a project hydrogeologist, what would you be? 

Probably a veterinarian—something involving working with animals.

What’s on your bucket list?

I would love to spend a few months traveling in South America and experiencing the culture, geology, and food.

What was your favorite childhood movie/TV show?

It’s a close tie between the Lion King and the Jungle Book.

Explore Our Work
  • Skagit County Community Justice Center Brownfield Redevelopment Project

    Client: Skagit County

  • Adaptive Re-Use Study: Northern State Hospital

    Client: Port of Skagit

  • The Coeur d’Alene Trust Loading Analysis

    Client: Successor Coeur d'Alene Custodial and Work Trust

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staff image

Carolyn R. Wise, LHG, RG

Senior Hydrogeologist

(360) 594-6255