Meet Brian Eagle, Senior Environmental Scientist

Author: Merideth D'Andrea, RG, LG, PG Published: March 10, 2020

Where are you from and where do you live now?

I’m a full-time Oregonian. I was born in Klamath Falls, raised in Forest Grove, and currently live in Oregon City.

What do you do at MFA?

I am an environmental scientist by education and an air quality specialist by training. I focus on the field of air quality, where I manage projects, perform technical work, and coach other team members. Typically, air quality project management includes being the primary point of contact with clients and breaking down the requested scope into bite-sized pieces that are delegated among the project team members. Technical work involves developing complex air emissions inventories, performing air dispersion modeling and risk assessments, providing regulatory compliance assistance, and designing and troubleshooting industrial ventilation systems.

What’s rewarding about your job?

I enjoy collaborating with colleagues and clients to work through difficult issues. I also appreciate being able to use different problem solving and critical thinking skills to address the challenges that inevitably arise during a typical project.

Why is what you do important?

We live in a complex world with often disparate demands. As an air practitioner, my primary focus is to provide clients with services that allow them to meet both regulatory and production demands so they can keep producing the things that we all use in our daily lives.

What skills do you bring to your work?

Critical thinking and problem solving are the skills I lean on most as part of my day-to-day. Critically thinking through projects allows me to break down complex problems into manageable intermediate steps.

What do you like to do off the clock?

Off the clock I’m lucky to be able to spend time with my wife and daughters, playing, hiking, riding bikes, traveling, or just hanging out. I enjoy playing drums or guitar whenever the opportunity arises, as well as building, fixing, or tinkering with whatever project is next on the list.

If you were not an environmental scientist, what would you be?

Unemployed! Well, a starving musician, but that’s basically the same thing as being unemployed.

What’s on your bucket list?

I do my best to enjoy the here and now; no buckets required.

Learn more about Brian here. 

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  • Achieving Compliance at a New Manufacturing Facility

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  • Permitting Support for a Glass Fiber Manufacturing Facility

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Brian Eagle

Principal Air Quality Specialist

(971) 713-3571