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Results for "Ports"

Ports, maritime industry support local and national resiliency

In recognition of National Maritime Day, Maul Foster & Alongi salutes our ports and maritime sector! MFA is fortunate to work with public ports and other maritime sector clients across the Pacific Northwest to help them achieve their…

Abbi Russell Climate Change and Resilience, Ports
Recognizing the Service of Our Public Partners

This blog was originally written by former MFA Principal Communications Specialist, Charla Skaggs. Recognizing the Service of Our Public Partners Since 1985, Public Service Recognition Week has been observed during the first week of…

Abbi Russell Communications and Outreach, Local and State Agencies, MFA Staff and Culture, Ports
Separating the Science from the Rumors about PFAS

You may have heard of “PFAS” in a documentary or in the news recently. You also may have heard that, in the U.S., PFAS chemicals are in drinking water and in people’s blood. And you would be right to say—what!? How can this be? This…

Courtney Savoie, RG, LHG, PG Attorneys, Environmental, Health & Safety, Local and State Agencies, Planning & Community Development, Ports, Sediment, Stormwater
Innovative Dredging and Sediment Disposal Benefit Lower Columbia River Community

Like many small, rural communities, Cathlamet, Washington, is transitioning from dependence upon commercial fishing and timber jobs to new methods of economic development, in part relying on a healthy tourism industry to keep the town’s…

Carly Schaefer Ports, Sediment
Stable Banks, Unique Conditions, Lasting Solutions

The success of a bank stabilization project hinges on the ability to explore a variety of potential solutions and identify the most effective option for any given site. MFA has seen success with many different types of projects, all with their…

Kathy J. Lombardi, PE Engineering, Local and State Agencies, Ports, Sediment
Public/Private Partnerships: Taking Action for Community Interests

In the world of economic development, nothing can add value to a large-scale project like a strong, mutually beneficial partnership between public and private interests. At the P3C Public-Private Partnership Conference & Expo 2015 in…

Carly Schaefer Environmental, Local and State Agencies, Planning & Community Development, Ports, Real Estate
Precision Dredging Techniques Enhance Cleanup at Lake River

The benefits of precision dredging are numerous; I’ve seen them firsthand: streamlined regulatory approval, greater risk reduction, and increased water quality. MFA wrapped up a large-scale dredging project in February 2015 in Lake River,…

Carly Schaefer Environmental, Forest Products, Local and State Agencies, Ports, Sediment
Job Creation Catalyzed by Flight Test Hangar Construction

Through its environmental brownfield redevelopment expertise, MFA continues to play a key role in supporting economic development in rural communities throughout the Pacific Northwest. A recent example is MFA’s support of the Port of Moses…

Carly Schaefer Brownfield Redevelopment, Environmental, Ports
Port of Astoria Implements Targeted Solution to Treat Stormwater

During the last quarter of 2014, MFA assisted 16 industrial facilities in Northwest Oregon with the selection and conceptual design of stormwater-treatment measures required for compliance with the Tier II corrective action requirements…

Ada H. Banasik, PE Environmental, Ports, Stormwater
Smart Communities Award for Port, city of Kalama

Evidence of the city and Port of Kalama’s successful collaboration on an underway project was publicly presented in the form of a 2014 Smart Communities Award. The Spencer Creek Business Park and a new, nearby multi-use recreational facility…

Carly Schaefer Planning & Community Development, Ports