COVID-19 Return to School Services
To ensure safety from COVID-19 for students, staff, and families, school districts need a site-specific operational blueprint for re-entry and ongoing support services. MFA, Forensic Analytical Consulting Services, and FLO Analytics have extensive experience providing effective public health and long-term planning solutions to schools, and we are ready to support your school district in these key areas:
- Public Health Protocols
- Facilities and School Operations
- Outbreak Response
- Ventilation Assessment and Management
- Data Management, Modeling, and Visualization
Our Services
- Communicable Disease Management Plans for COVID-19
- Considerations for High-risk Populations
- Physical Distance Mapping
- Cohorting Considerations
- Public Health Communications
- Entry and Screening Guidelines
- Visitors/Volunteers Management
- Face Coverings, Shields, and Clear Plastic Barrier Implementation
- Isolation Measure Protocols
- Outbreak Prevention and Planning Guidelines
- Outbreak Response Protocols
- Cleaning and Disinfection Protocols
- Ventilation Assessment and Management
- Data Management