Cleaner Air Oregon Compliance Support
Client: Numerous Facilities
Location: Oregon
About the Project
MFA’s air quality team has supported dozens of Oregon industrial facilities with Cleaner Air Oregon compliance, ranging from wood treating to aerospace parts manufacturing. MFA has provided compliance training, emission inventory development, dispersion modeling (AERMOD), and risk assessment.
In-House Risk Assessment
To assist clients with faster in-house risk assessment, MFA has developed an automated Level 1 risk assessment tool that has been widely used by our clients to determine sources and pollutants that could potentially lead to off-site risks. MFA has assisted clients in reassessing raw material choices and processes to reduce estimated risks. In several cases, MFA has helped clients reduce estimated risks to levels below which Oregon permitting would be required.
Innovative Compliance Tools
MFA prepared a spreadsheet tool that automates the Level 1 risk assessment calculations for cancer, chronic non-cancer, and acute non-cancer risk. The tool has an input page for emissions, stack height, and distance to nearest receptor. The tool then conducts all calculations and provides the risk as well as the contribution of each pollutant and source to the assessed risk categories. This assessment allows facilities to do their own risk calculations and to determine which emission and source assumptions may need further refinement based on the risk culpability. This tool was requested and is being used at two universities as well as numerous facilities throughout Oregon. To obtain your copy of the Level 1 risk assessment tool, visit our blog.